What To Do When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job is a time to be excited for new beginnings and a bright future. And as the sun continues to shine on Florida’s economy, the growing population calls for an expanding workforce. But a new job also presents a dramatic change to your routine and a new set of responsibilities. Here are just a few of our suggestions for what to do when starting a new job so that you can enjoy success in this career and beyond.

Ask Questions

When a company brings you aboard, don’t just go along for the ride. Demonstrate that you’re an active and engaged employee by asking thoughtful questions of coworkers and supervisors. In addition to appearing committed to the job, you need to follow through by gleaning more information about your tasks, proper procedures, and expectations.

Be a Good Listener

While you should make your voice heard as you get started, remember to listen more than you speak. Listening is very important when you’re being overwhelmed with new information, meeting new coworkers, and learning to read the room, whether it’s a real room or a virtual one.

Think Retirement

The popular self-help book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People cautioned readers to “begin with an end in mind.” Begin this job with an end in mind, too—a happy and comfortable retirement. The urgency of surviving during the pandemic has forced many of us to live—and spend—in the moment. But it’s never too early to start saving, and you should consult your HR department about 401(k) options. You can also consider exploring a Roth IRA, which allows you to make after-tax contributions to your retirement account so that you can enjoy tax-free payouts in retirement. Thinking about something 30 years down the road may not seem like the thing to do when starting a new job—in fact, it’s probably the last thing on your mind—but your future should remain important to you.

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