How to Craft Content for Your Nonprofit

The written word has a knack for arresting hearts, minds, and motivating action—that is, if the writing is planned and executed well. For charities, deep content is an adept tool at winning people to their cause, but you must give it a lot of thought before getting started.

If you see a gap in your organization’s content creation, there are a few guidelines for getting back on track and on message. Read on to learn how to craft content for your nonprofit that’ll make an impact.

Create a Forward-Thinking Strategy

Though it may seem more organic to write as you go, you should really plan out your content beforehand. Creating a content strategy helps you stay in your lane and focus your efforts. But what is your lane, exactly? This is the why behind your content.

For example, if you run a homeless shelter and want to educate people, plan on writing about the history of homelessness. But, if you prefer to give people personal insight into the present state of homelessness, prepare to gather testimonials from residents. These whys both serve your cause, but they are separate from one another and deserve separate strategies.

Tailor to Discrete Audiences

As you strategize, pick specific audiences to appeal to. Doing so informs the mediums you employ and the tone of your content. Study who responds well to certain platforms—if middle-age professionals are most responsive to emails, write solid fundraising emails with them in mind. Given that younger people live on certain social media platforms, play with the tone of your posts to connect with them. Groups also behave differently in certain areas—if you run a nonprofit in Florida, you must understand your local culture instead of generalizing based on national trends and preconceptions.

Make It Evergreen

Another tip for crafting content for your nonprofit—particularly if it’ll live on your site for a while—is to make it evergreen. Like a tree that doesn’t shed its leaves in the fall, evergreen content remains consistent and useful for years. When planning your strategy, ask yourself if your blog topics will attract readers one year from now. If your answer is no, consider revamping things.